On Racism And Equality
Racism is the only thing I hate. I really do. And that’s why I try to write, put it in songs, put it in dance, put it in my art – to teach the world.
Michael Jackson
"The color of a person's skin had nothing to do with the content of their character."
Michael Jackson
Ebony: Did your travels have any influence on the way you think about races of people?
Pastor Lucious Smith
Michael Jackon in his song HIStory:
All nations sing
Let's harmonize all around the world
"Throughout the ages, the peacock has been honoured and praised for its attractive, illustrious beauty. Of all in the bird family, the peacock is the only bird that integrates all colors into one, and displays this radiance of fire only when in love.
We, like the peacock, try to integrate all races into one through the love of music."
- Michael and Jackie Jackson (as The Jacksons) for their Peacock Productions
"It doesn't matter which blood or race or creed or color. Love is love and it breaks all boundaries and you just see it right away."
- Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson - Heal The World (Superbowl 1993) (HD) - best ever performance:
"...This is Michael Jackson. There`s not going to be another Michael Jackson ever, ever. He was the only person on this earth that can drop all races, all nationalities, all — everyone at a drop of a hat. He was the only person on this planet — I know no one on this planet that can do that."
- Joanelle Romero, Native American humanitarian, filmmaker, actress, recording artist and entrepreneur
“He was a man of power, of positive power that brought people together. He brought people of all walks of life, all nationalities, friends and foes alike. He was healing in spirit because he healed a lot of people with his music and with his spirit. Being in his presence, when he visited hospitals, the children would be miraculously healed.”
Jonathan Moffet, Michael´s drummer
Claire Legrand, YouTube comment Feb 2019
L.A. Reid: How Jackson broke racial barriers:
“I don’t understand racism. We are all the same and I have the perfect hypothesis to prove it. I play to all those countries and they cry in all the same places in my show. They laugh in the same places. They become hysterical in the same places. They faint in the same places and that’s the perfect hypothesis. There is a commonality that we are all the same.”
- Michael Jackson
He was very gentle, very kind. There was, I sort of describe it as a universal Michael and Michael the individual. There was the universalist Michael who wanted to change the globe. Wanted to see the entire world focus on children and he felt that if children were properly loved and cared for that we would significantly reduce the violence in the world, significantly reduce the meanness in the world, significantly reduce poverty, and all of the world’s most important problems.
He felt that the way to do that was to focus on the world’s children. So that’s the universalist Michael who thought he could heal the world through music, through love, through humanitarian measures. He was one of the greatest humanitarians in world history. He actually is in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the largest donors to children’s causes, which the media doesn’t like to focus on.
There also is the individual Michael, who I dealt with, who was a person, and he loved to see a child smile. He built Neverland to see children happy. He was one of the wealthiest men in the world. He could have spent all of that money selfishly. Instead he had a zoo, he had an amusement park, a theatre, he had statues devoted to the world’s children. If you looked at the artwork in his house, a lot of it centered on children and seeing them happy and respecting them for who they were. Their race, their religion, what part of the world they were from, what kind of native traditions they had.

This was someone who as a person, loved to see a child smile. Loved to see a child from the inner city who was growing up in poverty and violence come to Neverland and look at a giraffe and smile and look at an elephant and smile. Get some free ice cream and just be happy. It just meant a lot to Michael because he was a very good person.
But unfortunately when you’re that much of a genius, and you’re that wealthy, all of the sharks are going to come forward, and when you combine with that a certain level of naivety, a person who just didn’t want to be wrapped up in money matters all of the time or legal matters. He wanted to do creative things, he wanted to do humanitarian things. That makes him even more of a target for frivolous lawsuits and frivolous claims."
Thomas Mesereau, Michael´s attorney from 2005
Naked we came into the world and naked we shall go out. And a very good thing too, for it reminds me that I am naked under my shirt, whatever its color. I’m sorry to bring up such past news, but in the car I was hurt by what you said. I’m so happy that you have managed to overcome your childhood past. Thank God that you’ve graduated from such beliefs of ignorance. I’m glad I’ve never experienced such things. Teach your kids to love all people equally. I know you will.
I speak from my heart saying I love you and all people, especially the children. I’m glad God chose me and you.
Love M.J.

"The people told us 'Just deal with it' (racism), because that’s how the South is. That’s ignorance and it’s taught, because it’s not genetic at all. The little children in those (countries) aren’t prejudiced. I would like for you to put this in quotes, too. I’m really not a prejudiced person at all. I believe that people should think about God more and creation. Look at the many wonders inside the human bodies — the different colors of organs, colors of blood — and all these colors do different things in the human body. It’s the most incredible system in the world; it makes an incredible building, the human being. And if this can happen with the human body, why can’t we do it as people? And that’s how I feel. And that’s why I wish the world could do more. That (racism) is the only thing I hate. I really do. And that’s why I try to write, put it in songs, put it in dance, put it in my art – to teach the world. If politicians can’t do it, poets should put it in poetry and writers should put it in novels. That’s what we have to do and I think it’s so important to save the world."
Michael Jackson, JET Interview, 1979
Black Or White:
Interesting conversation about this short movie and its meaning: dancingwiththeelephant.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/boy-is-that-girl-with-you/
"There’s a lot of jealousy there. I love all races, I love all people, but sometimes there’s a devil in people, and they get jealous. Every time there’s a luminary that goes beyond the heights of his field of endeavor, people tend to get jealous and try to bring him down. But they can’t with me because I’m very, very, very strong."
Michael Jackson
"(Racism:) It is cruelty, it´s ugly and I hate it. You are my brother (points out to the children). They are my brothers. If you are black, white, Arab....we are all the same. I love all races equally.... I love all people of the world."
Michael Jackson, TV Interview with children in Tunisia, 1996
“We are Germans, we are Armenians, French, Italians, Russians, Americans, Asians, Africans and many other nationalities. We’re Christians, Jewish, Muslims, Hindus. We’re black, we’re white. We are a community of so many differences. So complex, and yet so simple. We do not need to have war.”
Michael Jackson, upon accepting the Bambi Artist of the Millennium award
“Michael’s popularity appealed to the very young, the very old and everyone in between…blacks, whites. And, that only happens once in a lifetime.”
Dick Clark, The One 2003
Song Can You Feel It that Michael wrote with his brother Jackie:
Can you feel it? ...
If you look around / The whole world is comin' together now, baby / Can you feel it? ...
Feel it in the air / The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah / Can you feel it? ...
All the colors of the world should be / Lovin' each other wholeheartedly / Yes, it's all right / Take my message to your brother / And tell him twice
Spread the word and try to teach the man / Who's hating his brother / When hate won't do, ooh / 'Cause we're all the same, yes / The blood inside of me is inside of you
Now, tell me / Can you feel it? ...
Every breath you take / Is someone's death in another place
Every healthy smile / Is hunger and strife to another child
But the stars do shine / In promising salvation, is near this time / Can you feel it now?
So brothers and sisters show me know how
Now, tell me / Can you feel it? ...
All the children in the world should be / Loving each other wholeheartedly / Yes, it's all right / Take my message to your brother / And tell him twice
Take the news to the marching men / Who are killing their brothers / When death won't do, ooh
Yes, we're all the same / Yes, the blood inside of me is inside of you / Now, tell me / Can you feel it? ...
In Black Or White, he bursted through flames with images of the KKK to tell the world
"I ain't scared of no sheets!"

They Don´t Care About Us

(...) Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Sue me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, kick me
Don't you black or white meAll I want to say is that
They don't really care about us
All I want to say is that
They don't really care about usTell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy
Set me free (...)

MJ in his song Tabloid Junkie"In the hoodFrame him if you couldShoot to killTo blame him if you willIf he dies, sympathizeSuch false witnessesDamn self-righteousnessIn the blackStab me in the backIn the faceTo lie and shame the race"
Michael Jackson´s speech in Faces,
a song Michael wanted to record for & with Nelson Madela...:
These Are The Worst Of Times And These Are The Best Of Times
Racism, Bigotry, Ethnocentricism, Prejudice, Hatred And Violence
Are Breaking The Heart Of Our Planet And Streaming Its Soul
And Yet We Are Coming Alive As Never Before
Nelson Mandela, A Black Man
A Former Symbol Of Subjugation And Slavery Guides South Africa
Democracy And Freedom Flourish As Never Before
And A New Consciousness Proclaims The Dawn Of The Age Of Enlightenment
Where Survival Of The Fittest Is Replaced By Survival Of The Wisest
Let Us Dream Of The Great And Sudden Splendent Of A New Tomorrow
Let Us Dream Of The Full Flowering Of A New Collective Consciousness
Let Us Dream Of A Tomorrow
Where We Can Hold Our Heads High
And Stretch Our Arms Toward Perfection
Let Us Dream Of A Tomorrow Where We No Longer FragmentAnd Fracture Our Global Village Of Narrow Domestic Walls
Where Tribalism No Longer Services
Under The Routines Of Nationalism And Patriotic Fervor
And Where We Can Truly Love From The Soul
And Know Love As The Ultimate Truth At The Heart Of All Creation
Let Us Dream Of Tomorrow For Our Children Are Nurtured And Protected And Nourished
And Our Elders Revered And Honored And Venerated
Let Us Dream Of Peace And Harmony And Laughter
Let Us Dream Of Joy And Ecstasy
Let Us Dream Of Dancing The Cosmic Dance
And As We Dream
Let Us Remember
Those Who Dared To Dream The Horrors
And Sacrificed Their Yesterday
So We Can Have Our Tomorrow
"I believe MJ was chosen by God to change a generation, bring them into their calling and break racial barriers and color lines. His work has opened doors for so many to achieve their hearts desires!!! Thank you Michael for being my greatest artistic inspiration!"
Keeley "LockN' Key" Kaukimoce, dancer
“Michael kept going. He did not accept limitations. Michael broke down the color curtain. He brought together Black, White, Asian, Latino. He outperformed the pessimists. Michael never stopped. Michael never stopped. MICHAEL NEVER STOPPED. He brought changes to your eyes, your biases, your fears.”
Rev Al Sharpton