"I know who I am inside and outside, and I know what I want to do. And I will always go with my dreams."
"I´m interested in making a path instead of following a trail, and that´s what I want to do in life - in everything I do."
"I really do wish people could understand me some day."
Michael Jackson
"What one wishes is to be touched by truth and to be able to interpret that truth so that one may use what one is feeling and experiencing, be it despair or joy, in a way that will add meaning to one's life and will hopefully touch others as well."
Michael Jackson in his book "Dancing The Dream"
"There's only one idol for me. It's Michael Jackson. His attitude, vision of life, innocence and artistic quality gives me inspiration. I try to be like him. I wish I had such great fans."
Aziz Dogdu, Turkish Poet (2002)
“Michael Jackson did something that no one else in history has managed…he connected with people of every level imaginable…all over the world. He seemed to speak to people at their very core and achieved the impossible. He reached people on a deep emotional level. And that is what any great artist or showman dreams of doing. That is why Michael Jackson was so special to me.”
David Blaine, Illusionist
"My goal is to change the world…and to change the world’s consciousness about children, about ecology and the planet, to make it a better place for everybody, starting with the children. That’s the future, really. And, I’ll stick with it forever, until it is done"
Michael Jackson
Transcendence and Legacy:
A summary of the words spoken by eminent professors, thinkers, social critics and historians Dr. Michael Eric Dyson & Dr. Cornel West assessing the legacy, the cultural impact, social and musical influence, and the capacity of an icon to break all barriers possible:
“Michael Jackson reigns as the undisputed King of Pop not just because of his exceptional talent, but because he was able to package that talent in a whole new way... pure magic mixed with unforgettable, transcendent performances.”
Berry Gordy
Michael Jackson - the most profoundly astonishing person I've ever met in my life (speak Howard Bloom & Dr. Wayne Dyer):
"I´m committed to my art. I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do. And I feel fortunate in being that instrument through which music flows…

Michael Jackson
"My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor the normal pleasures of childhood. Those were exchanged for hard work, struggle and pain and eventually material and professional success. But as an awful price, I cannot re-create that part of my life.
However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our god-given talents. The sound of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our hearts, for what we've glimpsed, for an instant, the playfulness of life. And that's why I love children and learned so much from being around them.
I realised that many of our world's problems today - from the inner city crime, to large scale wars and terrorism, and our overcrowded prisons - are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them. The magic, the wonder, the mystery, and the innocence of a child's heart, are the seeds of creativity that will heal the world. I really believe that.
What we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life, which is everpresent and only ask to believe. They know the way to solutions that lie waiting to be recognised within our own hearts. Today, I would like to thank all the children of the world, including the sick and deprived... I am so sensitive to your pain. (...)"
Michael Jackson´s speech at the 35th Grammys, 1993
"Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life. These children are a reminder of the preciousness of all life, especially young lives untouched by hatred, prejudice and greed. Now, when the world is so confused and its problems so complicated, we need our children more than ever. Their natural wisdom points the way to solutions that lie waiting to be recognized within our own hearts. Children are the world's foremost idealists and optimists. It is for that reason that 'Heal The World" is organizing the World's Children Congress next year, made up exclusively of delegates, aged 8 to 16. The world desperately needs their innocent perspective on the world's problems. We have to heal our wounded planet of the chaos, despair and senseless destruction we see today. The mission of HTW, my mission, is healing. Pure and simple. To heal the world, we must start by healing our children."
Michael Jackson on a press conference of his new charity organisation "Heal The World" in 1992
“I’ve always believed that the real measure of celebrity success is not just how famous he becomes, but what he does with that fame and fortune.”
Michael Jackson, 1999
"Being a world traveler, I’m touched and moved by everything that happens, especially to children. It gets me emotionally sick and I go through a lot of pain when I see that type of pain. I can’t pretend as if I don’t see it. It affects me very much."
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's Real Messages:
"We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment. Often this alienation has its roots in an emotionally deprived childhood. Children have had their childhood stolen from them. A child's mind needs the nourishment of mystery, magic, wonder and excitement. I want my work to help people rediscover the child that's hiding in them."
"Do I really believe that we can heal this world, that is riddled with war and genocide, even today? And do I really think that we can heal our children, the same children who can enter their schools with guns and hatred and shoot down their classmates, like they did at Columbine? Or children who can beat a defenseless toddler to death, like the tragic story of Jamie Bulger? Of course I do! of course I do or I wouldn’t be here tonight.
But it all begins with forgiveness, because to heal the world, we first have to heal ourselves. And to heal the kids, we first have to heal the child within, each and every one of us. As an adult, and as a parent, I realise that I cannot be a whole human being, nor a parent capable of unconditional love, until I put to rest the ghosts of my own childhood. And that’s what I’m asking all of us to do tonight. Live up to the fifth of the ten Commandments. Honour your parents by not judging them. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
That is why I want to forgive my father and to stop judging him. I want to forgive my father, because I want a father, and this is the only one that I’ve got. I want the weight of my past lifted from my shoulders and I want to be free to step into a new relationship with my father, for the rest of my life, unhindered by the goblins of the past.
In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.
In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.
In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.
And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe."
Michael Jackson in Oxford University Speech, 2001
“When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions. I adore Michael Jackson. I think he is one of the world’s biggest and greatest stars, and it just so happens that he’s one of the most gifted music makers the world has ever known.
What makes Michael more unique may be the fact that all of his accomplishments, his rewards, have not altered his sensitivity and concern for the welfare of others, or his intense caring and love for his family and friends, and especially all the children the world over.
I think Michael is the litmus paper. He is always trying to learn. He is so intelligent and he is alarmingly bright. He is also very curious and wants to draw from people who have survived.
People who have lasted. He’s not really of this planet.
He is filled with deep emotions that create an unearthly, special, innocent, childlike, wise man that is Michael Jackson. I think Michael appeals to the child in all of us, and I think he has the quality of innocence that we would all like to obtain or to have kept.
He has one of the sharpest wits, he’s intelligent and he’s cunning – that is a strange word to use about him, because it implies deviousness and he is one o the least devious people I have ever met in my life – he is honesty personified – painfully honest – and vulnerable to the point of pain.
He is so giving of himself that, at times, he leaves very little to protect the beautiful inner core that is the essence of him. That is the thing that I love so much about him and that makes the world identify with him in the way it does.
Michael Jackson is, indeed, an international favourite for all ages, an incredible force of incredible energy. In the art of music, he is a pacesetter for quality of production, in the vanguard for high standards of entertainment. What is a genius? what is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson, that’s all.
And just when you think you know him, he gives you more. . .
I think he is one of the finest people to this planet, and, in my estimation, he’s the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul.”
Elizabeth Taylor´s Introduction in MJ’s book Dancing the Dream book, 1992
Godfrey about Seeing Michael Jackson on stage and leaving neverland ...#LeavingNeverland #mjfam #MJINNOCENT pic.twitter.com/6SC45DLjSO
— Phonchrist (@Phonchrist) April 12, 2019
Man Behind The Myth
"Love is important, to love each other. We're all one. That's the message."
“I love you all and we are family. Please, know that: we are a family. We have to bring love back into the world..."
"The Time Has Come…
It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but, make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness."
Michael Jackson, 2009
An Instrument Of Nature
Elizabeth Taylor: He is the least weird man I have ever known. He is highly intelligent, shrewd, intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, generous – to almost a fault, of himself.
If he has any eccentricities, it’s that he is like larger than life and some people just cannot accept that or face it or understand it. His talent on stage, why I call him the king of pop, rock, soul, music, entertainment, whatever…
There’s nobody that can come near him. Nobody can dance like that, write the lyrics like that, the music, uh, cause the kind of excitement he does.
Oprah: And what is it, I am going to ask Michael this question later on, but what is it you most want the world to know about him?
Elizabeth: What a wonderful, giving, caring, generous man he is, and how good he is.
Oprah: And he’s funny too.
Elizabeth: Oh, he’s wildly funny.
Oprah: He can crack some jokes, I tell you.
Elizabeth: Yes, but he is a good man.
Michael Jackson - remembering the man and his message:
Michael Jackson
"You know why Michael was so special? He was so decent and so modest and humble"
Attorney Susan Yu In celebration of "Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon"
The Hidden Messages The Media Doesn't Show
"Few artists have used their talents to uplift mankind as vigorously as Michael Jackson. Though lean in stature, he stood firmly against social and political forces that seek to diminish the integrity of human spirit. He uplifted individuals struggling to be free. At the same time his voice spoke a message that went beyond the rights of the individual. Michael reminded us that personal dignity and individual freedom can only be perfected in the warm embrace of human solidarity."
Gerald Campbell
"There are many people who believe Michael Jackson was just a very talented man. I want to tell those people they are wrong. Michael Jackson was a miracle of nature, a unique human being, way ahead of his time, a man who trascended race, gender, age and human limitations.
A man who was a complete paradox but chose to be unapologetically himself, no matter the consequences.
And for that he was so severely hunted down, that slander does not stop even after his death.
Did they break him? Yes, they did, but only his frail human body. The genius, the largest than life aura and his legacy of universal love cannot be broken. As proof, they are still trying and he rises stronger than ever. Years from now, people will know Michael Jackson was the first man of the new world.
The first to live in the truth that
Mona Lazar